Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Fun memories #4: Beauty shop night

Beauty shop nights are too few and far between at our house. Just a few simple "extras" can make an ordinary night into a special beauty shop night. A few ideas:
-a bubble bath instead of a regular bath, or using special new good smelling soap in the shower
-short head massage to make a shampoo more special
-a special towel wrap (like the ones pictured) around her head (our girls LOVE this and don't get it much)
-getting to use mom's special lotion after bath time
-getting fingernails and toe nails painted...we keep a stock of cheap nail polish we find here...we can find fun colors for the girls and even find nail polish glitter pretty regularly. It's a special treat for the girls to get sparkles on their fingernails or toes.

1 comment:

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