Sunday, July 25, 2010

Craft project #9: Home made kite

We made this kite for Maggie...still are not sure if it will fly! But she had so much fun making it, and was so proud of it. I think it's still a worthy project because it was a lot of fun. We got a strip of bamboo (readily available around here, and it cost about a quarter for a few strips...another material might be more readily available for this cheap in your area) and cut them in half. Then, we had our driver, Saw Washi, help us make notches in the end of the bamboo strips. We took some lengths of yarn, and threaded it around the strips to make our frame for our kite. Then, we cut the brown paper to fit around the frame, and taped it down on the back with "binding tape," which is a lot like duck tape but comes over here in a variety of colors. Then, we just let Maggie decorate the front with markers. She decided to make her kite a "princess" kite. Then, we took some strong string, made a loop around where the bamboo strips connect on the back, and tied our string to that loop. We made this one for flying, but even just as a decoration, it's a fun project. We made some smaller versions for decorations for our home school room.

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