Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fun memories #6: Mummy game

This game is probably old news for many of us...but I included it just to show that anywhere you can get toilet paper, you can play this game! The kids had a lot of fun with it. We played this at a birthday party for a local friend who asked us to bring some games. This worked well for a situation where there could potentially be a large group, but I didn't know exactly how many kids there would be. We divided the kids into teams, and let the teams work to decorate each volunteer who would be the mummy. Then, you can let kids who didn't play help you "judge" which "mummy" is wrapped up the best. All you really have to provide is a few rolls of toilet paper for wrapping. But we also brought a few prizes (SMALL, SIMPLE prizes like fun pencils) for the winning team. Make sure to let the kids know NOT to cover the "mummy's" mouth, nose or face with toilet paper. It was so funny to see all the kids laughing and having fun with this.

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