Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Craft project #11: Rejoice praise pipes

This little project was a lot more fun for the kids than I had anticipated. It looks very simple, but the kids really enjoyed this. All it took was:
straws (cut into lengths of 1", 2", 3", 4", and 5")
A little card stock
I cut the lengths of card stock into strips of about 81/2 inches by 1 inch. Then, we taped the straws on in graduated lengths. Then just tape a decorated, matching length of card stock on top. When you blow into this "praise pipe," it does not create a musical sound. But our kids had fun pretending with them, much like you would play with a kazoo. We wrote "REJOICE" on top to match our verse of the week, but older kids could do more with decorating these.

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